
Showing posts from June, 2009


处女座表面上快乐开朗,其实心里多半比较痛苦。他们似乎可以轻易地忘掉昨夜痛彻心扉的哭声,不知不觉地进入第二天乐得合不拢嘴的状态。处女座的痛苦多来自于家庭的不合和在友情、爱情上的失意。处女座表面上可能会给人小气自私的形象,但实则是不了解他们的人的误识。他们如果显得很小气的话,也许是因为他们的极其慷慨曾招来些对自己的伤害,因此他们在找到 一个真正他们认为值得一交的朋友,而那个人也对他无半颗私心前,只能是被自己天生的心软、善良牵制着,畏缩地给予别人帮助,以致于形成小家子的假象。唉~~~~ 处女座的友情:,他们渴望精神上的交流、内心世界的彼此了解,他们视友情为达到这一目的的最不可缺少的途径。处女座很少有向亲人 吐露心声的机会,因此,朋友在处女座眼中更是显得尤为重要。而交上处女座的人也绝不会吃亏,但处女座的人一生却很难得能遇到知心的朋友,这也就使处女座的 人的心事不断的积压下来,久而久之,他们很少向别人透露自己的心事,这种痛苦源于他们需要一个100%的纯洁友情。当处女的朋友又搭上另一个人时,他们只 会沉默,用拼命工作之类的事情来麻木自己,掩盖自己的寂寞和失落。庆幸的是处女座是一个非常和平、不记仇的星座,他们不会为此对你进行报复,即使为之,那 份量也是微不足道的。因此作为处女的朋友,如果俩人的确是难得知己的话,最好你应该花大部分时和处女座者相处去让他们明这一点,而不是莫名其妙地甩下他们又搭上另一个人。 处女座的爱情:处女座的爱情多被定义为内向、害羞。而我却不这么认为,他们内心其实很狂热,而且由于他们在为人处事方面的IQ低得要死,甚至完全可以是像《一吻定情》中相原琴子一样的人。由于他们不轻易表露自己的痛苦,整日被张笑脸笼罩这,活泼的形象会浮现于他们爱情世界的表面中。处女座的我行我素作风是因为处女座会认为他们本是为寂寞而生,没有人能真正了解他们。自己认为对的事他都可以去做,不屑别人的非言非语,继续表面快乐的生活。而当仰望着朗朗星空时,处女座者却是一个伤感者的角色,他们爱听悲伤的音乐、喜欢广阔的东西,诸如:浩瀚的星空、无垠的沙漠和大海。这时,微微凉风掠过,处女座甚至会觉得这才是人生做到的享受, 处女座的人会沉淀白天对爱情的一股傻劲,着实地看清现实的爱情,不免一阵唉声叹气,这时你会惊讶地发现平日蹦跳不停的处女座也有安静、忧郁的一面。在爱情上,处女座的人既有古典保守的一面,也绝对有开放、爽...

simple post, my lovely invertebrate and went to Fraser Hill.

yesterday i came back Bentong, and i saw a new species of interesting new invertebrate that i never see before. then at the afternoon we go to Fraser hill, at the journey going there i am the driver but when coming back i felt tired and my dad be the driver, and then half way my brother say want to drive then he get what he wished. run out of time to revision already, let the see the picture. the weird invertebrate with head of ants, mouth of spider, legs of cockroaches and body of centipedes. anyways, i do not know what it is but according to it's shape and it's specific organ and outlook, i guess it is somehow ate cockroaches and should be no harm to human. see, for me it was so interesting and perfect, hope can feed it. but my parents not allow, and need to revision for exam no time for research it. what a waste, i scare i cannot find it anymore. sad... shops at Fraser hill, before it should be lot shop at here, but it still in renovating so i do not find any thing to buy he...

Happy Belated Birthday to Boon Hua.

on some day of year 2008, we became friend. it was so important you know, i know it was hard to get a friend. thats why, i hope that it was a joy for you to having your birthday with meand others. thus, tung boon hua , HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to you ! i really having fun in your party and learn what the feeling of drink whole tin of beer once [totally not same with wine, so lot gas make me feel like too full until wanna vomit.] it was satisfied me, luckily i choos the right decision to celebrate with you, if i go back hometown on thursday sure i will regret it. because, back hometown can be anytime, but your birthday really one year once only. haha... Happy Birthday o~ keep on working hard by yourself for what you want, hope that you will more independant as you grow older..? and good luck for you final also ya~

special post for darius la.. and going back bentong study hard.

sorry darius for spell your name wrongly in previous post, as it was because i am having short term memory lost what, u knew that right? one sem once, finally i get the got chance and reason to go back bentong. tomorow i will going back to bentong for a few day trip to study hard perhaps in relax mode. wish that what i plan is going well. however, i still feel tha what a waste for me because unable to go back teluk intan. sad case, anyways sad thing always have happy events as a companion. may be afterall it was a good for me, who knows? and i will miss your guys, for those only miss me also. haha, it was not easy for me to throw all my responsible at subang for a moment, but i do not want to the responsible become my burden, i wish it will be my philopsophy. miss ya~

action is more powerful than words.

some might thought that a word of 'sorry' can cover all the fault they have done, do you really think that 'sorry' is so strong to convience someone that u will not repeat the action again? then i would like to do the same also, 'sorry' sorry not everything. i knew, some feel guilty only say sorry to make themself feel beter. instead of saying sorry but never change; i prefer action taken even though no sorry given. if you knew you are wrong then prove your awareness with action, change the way you behave become better. so do i, i perhaps sometimes most likely to say sorry but it is for all those small cases. in big deal, i would not likely to say sorry because i knew what i did was wrong but i too shy and ashame of myself to say sorry to your all. i will change myself, but i still need to say sorry here, to all those my friends because of my misbehave and stupid action. you want scold me just do it, i will accept it for what have i done. it was my responsible o...

stupid me!

this week i m rushing to finish all my revision, but now only realize that i got one more week time to revise. it was because the final exam is start on 24/6 but i misthought that next week is 24/6. once today my friend told me now is 9/6 then i began feel weird, then check my phone's calender. and the first reaction of me is: Oh My God!!! i totally believe that next week is final exam, but the truth is i got one more week! how stupid am i. haiz... anyways, it make me more suffer because the final come late and the period i need to suffer had extended...

Final Exam is just around the corner~

next week is our [those taking unisa course in taylors] final exam le, here to wish good luck to all of us~ wish that we all can handle the exam well~ Gam Ba Teh for revision lo, those who have not start revise, now is the time! +U +U~ ^^

teluk intan... so sorry to u...

nowadays keep busy with some sort of assignment which as known as DSM assignment. it is an assignment that i do not know what to write and what to do. almost whole week reading about all those economy stuff feel like out of the tracks for the DSM [derivatives and securities market] assignment. have no idea how to do, so need to stay at subang to do it! it was shit! one year once i go back teluk intan, but i had miss the chance. feel so guilty because not fulfilling the responsible as a grandson to go back visit my grandparents. I am so hate to being irresponsible, really HATE ! but who understand my feeling? go college, always i m the first one say hi to others but noone would say hi to me at first except for some friends. when others chat, the words they talk to me only is hi and bye nothing else. some even more selfish, always seek for me only need helps, if nothing then i m invisible. there are different of them, some are when i ask for their help (not always wei, you thought i m s...

interesting bottle~

last two or three day before, tommy and carmen move to new house [actually can consider old house also as where tommy did stayed there before] however, i wondering how come tommy got such a huge amount of stuff can fit in his previous room but cannot fit in in his new room which is bigger than the previous one. it was exhausted to move all those stuf, but there is an interesting stuff i found out at the 99 speedy market view the picture~ do you realized that? the water PH is  9... i do not is it true, but quite interesting that got such PH of water sold for customer...