world? minds? are interelated?

a real world is nothing but just something so-called as "mental" events. we thought of the world present because of our minds. everything happen seems around us, but actually all this happen in our mind. if u do not believe, then can u tell me what is the world look like or what happen to the world when we are sleeping or died? human only uinderstand all of these when they are died, things are only appreciated when the time is too late, as usual the truth is cruel and only understand when the time is too late. is it logical?

in Philosophy of Mind 2004, p.98, Heil claimed that " the logical behaviourist usually begins by pointing out what is perfectly true." am i?

with the different feelings such as pain, happy, sad, angry and boring it make us experience lot; with the different thoughts, beliefs and religions, it enable us to keep learning from each other to live better? everything is possible with human intelligent and determination, the world only exist with human, in human mind. and the rules of world is to reach balance; human create a world and they also the one going to destroy the world soon. good side of human are always balance with the bad side of human.


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