internet not accessable?

3 days already, my house internet access get blocked because noone going to pay the last 5 month internet fees? that is not my responsible, suppose is another housemate of mine to pay it. however, within these few day i am really suffering a lot. and one more problem that made me hatred is my roomate, i do not know how to comment about him. he is really annoying and childish everytimes, he is so troublesome, irresponsible and so on. whenever talk to him, i am also lazy to having such a stupid conversation with him. sometimes it is so hard to communicate with some people, because of their self-centered, selfish, irresponsible behavior. is that possible because i have some really good friend? everything happening around us seems to interrelated with many different and complicated ways by balancing each other at the same time. perfection is so hard, and it is almost impossible if as what the assumption said, perfection is impossible in these world which seek for balance. there are good people, and there are bad people, males and females, stupid and clever and etc? everything is seems to have their own "partner". the reality is always cruel for us to accept. the friend of you may not be the real friend of you; the friend you trust the most might not honest to you at all. [wait wait wait, seems like i am go too far haha... ] anyways as the consequences, i am planning to go back hometown again? may be for 3 to 4 days. thanks for my friend help me plan these boring holiday. ^^ (friend is hard to find, but easy to lose)


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