
Showing posts from February, 2009

Happy Birthday to Christina Lim and Jo Ann o~

Christina & Jo Ann, sorry o~ may be a bit late, and i am just realized i do not have your picture to post here, so paiseh, hope you will forgive me. Anyways, i am here to wish you Happy birthday to you both o~ wish you both happy forever~ ^^


情人节, 到现在我还是不明白他的含义。 回想一下, 我活了20年, 过了整整20年的情人节, 人都长大了, 思想成熟了, 朋友都说我学习能力好, 可是我怎么学也学不懂情人节的含义。 写了那么多,连我也不懂我要写什么?我只是纯粹的想整新我的部落个还是要写情人节的含义?好多好多的疑问,好多好多的烦恼,想写也写不出,是因为从来没谈过恋爱的关系吗?所以才写不出情人节对我来说是什么?还是因为我不懂怎么爱, 珍惜? 等失去了才明白失去什么吗? 我……到底在想什么…… 或许我该先放下这个问题,想不通就待会儿想并不是忘了它[de yang]。也许这样做会好过些。 情人节哦,因该是开心的节日,我不快乐就好,别人是应该快乐的所以就将所有不快乐的给我一个人承担吧,世界才会平衡嘛~或许我还不是时候庆祝吧。但是我还是要祝福你们全部情人节快乐,一定要好好珍惜你的另一半哦~人常常都会失去了才后悔,所以就的珍惜~

new year?

new year has passed, i miss lot of things such as the tension of studying, having assignment? and some of the fun together with my gang of DJ and friends. however, i also miss about my family and grandparents also. most of them seems older, i am also start worrying are their health. am i emo-ing now? i also not sure, as people the more you think you understand something or someone, the more you not understand it or them. the conclusion that i learn from my pattern pattern DJ Yang is great success come with great sacrifice. Thanks man~