
RE-Connecting Back To Blog

It has been around 10 years back since i am active in posting my Blog. Anyhow, it seem nostalgic when review my post so long ago at the same time realized the changes of the system, structure and settings of how blogs works. Life been going on without any delay, so do we. In past few years, occupation change, achievements claimed and even industry changed, nothing stay constant. Let us embrace changes and leveled up ourselves to be better. Hence, this short post to concludes my day. X3


it was once upon a long time i did not update my blogs, and today i am get motivated to updates because of a new friend that i knew through facebook. Curiosity drawing me to view or so called stalk the blogs, and hence my interests of blogging get motivated. for my life phase of working, it was started 2 years and 2 month ago i guess. And it have been long time that i ignore my blog, or i should say that i even forgot that i have a blogs. == Anyways, time still running. So do i, every second it passing, i m struggling like a fish on the land to get better opportunity, better life and searching for a someone that match me to spend her life together with me forever. Supposedly thing should go according to what i am planned and as what i expected. Somehow, the situation has changed as where i cannot make up my mind where should i go and what should i do, thus i only have to follow my parents advises. i became more loss, as i cannot reach either my friends or my family. the level of thi


这一段时间,闷得要死了。很多东西还是不明白,另一方面却很不舍得。书也读完了,脚步总是不断的前进,却不知道到底什么才是我的推动力;只知道我一定要向前走,停不下脚步。小时候东西不懂,可以问人,问老师;现在却完全不懂要问谁了…… 方向感还蛮好的我却在人生的道路上完全的迷惑了,老了吧,模糊了,看不清了……方向…………到底哪个方向才是真确的道路?到底哪个方向才是我该走的?这一条路,人生的路,万一错了就很难回首了~


I really do not know how to express my feeling through words now~ just~~~ i want to say: I LOVE HONEYS~ ^^

maple/ readings/ social?

maple, maple, maple!!! cannt lvl up? TnT readings, readings, readings!!! when only can finish? T^T social, social, social!!! how to social? T.T


时间过得真快,转眼间我就快毕业了~ 还记得想当多期望可以做工但现在又期待读书~世事难料~ 因为最近忙得不可开交就得长话短说了,记录些难忘,可爱又美丽的回忆~ 13-14 march~ 在education fair 名以上是做students helper,可是却变成consultant了~ 很好玩也很高兴能认识那么多难得的朋友,auntie,和一个知心朋友~ 原来人也有好的一面,却令我内心产生了矛盾…… auntie 呢就说多希望有个像我那么懂事的孩子,可是我想说难道要比看谁比较乖吗?孩子在父母的心中总是不懂事的不是吗?可是却还是很渴望他们能更好~就是这样的啦,人嘛~总不会满足总不会珍惜的~ 知心朋友难寻,我看到的却不是我想要的,人总有看错人的时候~想不到他的朋友才是我想找的人~我觉得有点可惜因为分开前我却没跟他说过一句话,可是也很开心因为还能认识他与他挥手bye bye还能保持联络呢~ ^^ 15-16 march~ 天天迟睡就为了那些无聊的readings 还得我行尸走肉的~还得我朋友还以为我emo ~ == 好心啦,本大爷emo 都是为了那个傻傻的readings~ 17 march 天啊,我傻到去死读article 就是为了明白他, 还得睡不够, test的时候写了一半shan lung竟跟我说可以看纸做的,真的气死我了!!! 上课blur blur 的 presentation 时自己都不懂自己present 说什么,老师就说: class, listen~ start from next week, whoever group with this guys must let him be the one to present for the whole sems!!! 哇靠,冤枉啦~我并没有那么差啦,只是还睡不醒不懂怎样present而已啦!!! 随便啦,真金不怕火,present 就present 咯~才没怕过~~~ 18 march 救命啊~要我拿3个不懂的journal article 来写 1 页而已的discussion, 怎样哦? 1页够我画画哦? 那么少~~~ 可是读的时候就拿我的命了!

nice drinks

the best drink i ever drink before~ do not know what is it? no, this is not a mineral water, but a lemon drink. the original lemon drink i have drink it >u< it was so nice, so i put in water to make it again [so desperate for it] but the taste was totally different from original one. i am seriously like it, because it was made by someone for me, i am so appreciate it because she made it for me and the drink was so nice. ^^ it brighten my day~ thanks u so much~ can i have some more? >U<